Composite Bonding


Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is a type of cosmetic procedure whereby a compost resin is applied to your teeth. It’s the perfect option for fixing discoloured, fractured, or chipped teeth. In most cases, a single visit to the Accu Dental clinic will be enough for our expert dental surgeons and orthodontists to achieve the desired result. With composite bonding being a non-invasive treatment, it can be a cost-effective way of improving the look of your teeth.

How It Works

Our experts will gently clean the enamel on your teeth with a weak acidic gel in order to prepare the surface prior to the bonding agent being applied. A tooth coloured composite resin is put on your teeth in small quantities in order to achieve the correct contour and colour for a more natural look. A UV light is then used to harden the material so that it sets in place. Finally, the composite resin is polished and the shape is refined.

How Long Does It Last?

With composite resin being softer than the enamel on your teeth, they need to be well looked after in order to prevent discolouration. Where they are maintained correctly, composite bonding can last as long as 5 years.

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Ctra. del Cap de la Nau Pla, 126, 03730 Xabia, Alicante
966 46 20 90