Specialist Premolar


Specialist Premolar

Premolars are located between your canines and molars in the back of your mouth, hence the name ‘pre-molar’. They come in between the ages of 12 and 13, and form part of your adult teeth.

In order to keep your premolars healthy, it’s important that you adopt a good oral health routine and visit our expert dental surgeons and orthodontists on a regular basis to have your teeth professionally cleaned.

If you’re experiencing pain or swelling with your premolars, you may need to have them removed.

Premolar Root Canal

During a premolar root canal treatment at Accu Dental, our experts will remove the decayed soft tissue from within your tooth. The canals and body of your tooh are then refilled with a thermoplastic material, and a crown placed on top of your tooth in order to protect the root canal.

The Procedure

There are several steps that our orthodontists and dental surgeons will follow when conducting a premolar root canal. They’ll begin by taking some x-rays of your mouth, administering a local anesthetic, removing the decay, and finally, adding a crown to your tooth.

Get the Dental Care you deserve


C. de Rennes, 2, 03730 Xàbia, Alicante
966 46 20 90