Repair Perforations/Broken Instruments


Repair Perforations/Broken Instruments

Root canal treatment or endodontics has become particularly prominent at Accu Dental over the past few years. This is somewhat in part to better technology, greater knowledge, and the increasing desire from individuals to want to save their teeth at all costs.

However, it’s prominence throughout the dentistry industry has led to an increase in issues, such as perforations and broken instruments in the periapical area of the tooth canal.

The Danger Of Broken Instruments

Broken instruments, particularly files, can cause a metallic obstruction with the canal of your tooth. If the obstruction isn’t removed or bypassed, it prevents the proper preparation of the canal, which can lead to pain post treatment. This complication comes about as the result of overuse or improper use of a dental instrument.

When To Visit Accu Dental

If you are experiencing pain after a root canal treatment, then you should pay a visit to our expert dental surgeons and orthodontists. They’ll examine your mouth and take a look at your tooth to see if there is a perforation or broken instrument inside of the root canal that is responsible for the pain that you’re experiencing.

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Ctra. del Cap de la Nau Pla, 126, 03730 Xabia, Alicante
966 46 20 90