Specialist Molar


Specialist Molar

The removal of third molars (wisdom teeth) is one of the most common surgical procedures carried out at the Accu Dental clinic.

Third molars grow at the very back of your gums and are the last of your teeth to come through. Typically, this happens during your late teens or early twenties. Most individuals have 4 wisdom teeth – 1 in each corner. Because they come through last, it means that there isn’t always enough space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth to grow properly. When this happens, your third molars may get stuck or emerge at an angle.

When To Visit Accu Dental

You should make a visit to the Accu Dental clinic to see our expert orthodontists and dental surgeons if your third molars are causing severe pain. During your appointment, your teeth will be examined and you’ll be advised on whether or not they need to be removed.

Why Third Molars Are Removed

Stuck, broken, or angled wisdom teeth can cause a build-up of plaque which can potentially lead to a whole array of problems, including gum disease, tooth decay, abscesses, cysts, cellulitis, or pericoronitis. Whilst most of these issues can be treated with antiseptic mouthwash or antibiotics, third molar removal is an effective option for when these treatments don’t work.

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C. de Rennes, 2, 03730 Xàbia, Alicante
966 46 20 90