


Dental x-rays at Accu Dental are important for allowing our dental surgeons and orthodontists to spot trouble early on in your teeth, gums, jaw, and mouth. Treating problems prior to them becoming too serious can save you both money and pain, and in some cases, even your life.

An x-ray provides our experts with a lot of important information on the condition of your roots, teeth, facial bone composition and jaw placement. They also help them to find and treat dental issues at an early stage of their development.

What Can X-rays Detect?

In adults, x-rays help to identify areas of decay between your teeth or under fillings, bone loss in your jaw, changes to root canals or your bones caused by infection, the position and condition of your teeth when preparing for dental implants, abscesses, and cysts and tumors.

In children, our orthodontists and dental surgeons use x-rays to determine if tooth decay is developing, if there’s sufficient space in their mouth for incoming teeth, if wisdom teeth are developing, and if their teeth are unable to come through the gums.

How Often Are X-rays Required?

This depends on your personal dental and medical history and current health condition. Whilst some people may require an x-ray every six months, others may only need to undergo an x-ray every few years.

Get the Dental Care you deserve


C. de Rennes, 2, 03730 Xàbia, Alicante
966 46 20 90