Initial Consultation


Initial Consultation

When you come to visit Accu Dental for a consultation, our expert orthodontists and dental surgeons will not only talk to you about your dental concerns and experiences, but they will perform an in-depth examination of your entire mouth. Don’t worry, there’ll be no dentistry performed, it’s simply a comprehensive look around, so that an accurate picture of your oral health can be established.

Some of the things that our dental surgeons and orthodontists check or look for during this examination include tooth decay, root caries, gum disease, jaw and bite problems, the need for tooth restoration or replacement, cancer, fluoride exposure, and overall dental health.

New Patient Consultation

If you are visiting Accu Dental for the very first time, then your initial consultation will be somewhat longer than normal, as our experts will need to have an in-depth discussion with you regarding a full range of health and oral issues. Doing this enables them to build up a complete image of what exactly your dental needs are.

Routine Consultations

Our orthodontists and dental surgeons will begin by asking about your general health and any medication that you may currently be taking. By doing this, they are able to easily and accurately check any differences that you have reported in your overall and oral health since your last consultation.

Get the Dental Care you deserve


C. de Rennes, 2, 03730 Xàbia, Alicante
966 46 20 90