Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)


Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)

Root canal treatment is necessary when the nerve supply of your tooth becomes infected. The treatment involves saving a diseased tooth by removing the root nerve supply and replacing it with a rubber filling.

What’s Involved

The treatment begins with our expert orthodontists and dental surgeons talking through every step of the process with you so that you know exactly what to expect. After that, they will take several x-rays of your mouth and diagnose the cause of the infection.

A local anesthetic is used and once it has taken effect, the infected tooth is isolated using a dental dam (a small sheet of rubber), which is held in place with a small clip. This barrier works to stop disinfectants, filling materials, debris, and water from reaching the back of your mouth. Our experts will then create an opening in the top of your tooth for the purpose of finding the root canals and removing the infected nerve supply.

After shaping and cleaning the root canals, our dental surgeons and orthodontists will fill them with a rubber type material and seal with cement. A temporary filling is then placed on your tooth in order to seal the opening. This is removed at a later date and replaced with either a crown or permanent filling.

Who Needs A Root Canal

If your inner tooth is infected due to injury, disease, or decay, or is discolored as a result of a dying nerve, then you may need a root canal treatment.

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C. de Rennes, 2, 03730 Xàbia, Alicante
966 46 20 90